Guo Hai


Guo Hai





Senior Engineer,

Executive Dean of Urban Planning and Design Institute

Guiding graduate students

Enrollment started in 2011, with an average annual enrollment of 1 student.

Research areas

Urban design, rural planning, old city renewal and historical protection, urban ecology and landscape

Courses undertaken

Undergraduate courses:

Urban Design

Introduction to Urban Design

Constructional Detailed Planning

Regulatory Detailed Planning

Urban Infrastructure Planning

Urban Cognitive Internship

Graduate courses:

Function and structure of modern city

Educational experience

1996.9-2001.7 Bachelor of Urban Planning, Tongji University

2003.9-2005.7 Master of Urban Design, University of Toronto, Canada

2007.9-2010.7 Doctor of Management, Beijing Forestry University

Working experience

2001.7-2003.7 Urban planner, Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning and Design Institute

2005.7-2010.7 Planning and design director and partner of Canadian LNG architectural planning firm

2010.7-now Beijing Jiaotong University School of Architecture and Design Master's tutor

2014.9-now Executive Dean of Beijing Jiaotong University Urban Planning and Design Institute